Happy times - Aetna...• Fillings • Much more Haven’t been to the dentist lately? Be sure to schedule your 6-mon th dental checkup and cleaning with your dentist soon! Remember, - [PDF Document] (2024)

Happy times - Aetna...• Fillings • Much more Haven’t been to the dentist lately? Be sure to schedule your 6-mon th dental checkup and cleaning with your dentist soon! Remember, - [PDF Document] (1)

Aetna Better Health® of Pennsylvania Member Newsletter Fall 2018

Happy times Well-child visits: A healthyidea

Q: Why take a healthy child to see thedoctor?

A: To help keep him or her feelingwell.

It has the ring of a riddle, but it’s good advice. What are called well-child visits can go a long way toward helping your child stay healthy.

Well-child visits are regular checkups. How often they occur usually depends on a child’s age. Your doctor will want to see your baby every month or

so for a while. For an older child, yearly checkups may beenough.

Here are three reasons why well-child visits are a good idea:

1. These checkups let your doctor see how well your child is growing.

2. They are a good way to make sure your child is up-to-date on vaccinations.

3. They give you a chance to talk with your doctor about anything that’s on your mind. That’s hard to do if you made an appointment because your child issick.

Source: American Academy ofPediatrics

HEALTH TIP: Write down questions as you think of them.

Take that list with you to your child’s nextappointment.

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Good news about your dental benefitsYou may be surprised to know how much the health of your mouth and teeth can affect your whole body. That’s why we’re pleased to tell you that beginning Jan. 1, 2019, we will cover medically necessary periodontal services for all ourmembers.

What are periodontal services? Periodontal treatment is used to treat gum disease. Gum disease is a common condition that can get worse over time. It can cause swollen and painful gums. When gum disease is severe, it can cause loss of the bone that supports the teeth.

Periodontal treatment gets rid of bacteria and controls infection in the gums. This is important for all members, especially for pregnant

members, members with diabetes, and members with certain heart and cardiovascular conditions

In addition to periodontal services, you will still have the same great covered benefits you have always had, including: • All preventive care • Dental checkups every

6 months • X-rays

• Cleanings every 6 months • Fillings • Much more

Haven’t been to the dentist lately? Be sure to schedule your 6-month dental checkup and cleaning with your dentist soon! Remember, there are no costs or copayments for covered dental services by a participating dentist.

New dental benefits company Starting Jan. 1, SKYGEN USA will handle your dental benefits. You will see their name in your member handbook and in our online dental provider search. You will also see their name in our member newsletter.

If you have dental benefit questions, just give us a call at 1-866-638-1232 (PA Relay: 7-1-1). This number is on the back of your Aetna Better Health member ID card.

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Early dental care helps babies grow beautifulsmilesYour child should see a dentist every sixmonths, starting at age1 (or when you see the first tooth). If you need help finding a dentist, contact DentaQuest at 1-888-307-6548. DentaQuest’s number is also on the back of your child’s Aetna Better Health IDcard.

Baby bottles: Early childhood tooth decay (cavities) is caused by letting infants drink from a bottle of juice or milk for long periods of time. Disease begins between 1 and 3years of age and causes pain and infection. Follow these steps to prevent tooth decay in yourchild: • Don’t put your baby to bed with abottle.•  If a bottle is your baby’s pacifier, useonly water in thebottle.• Only give your baby a bottleduring meals.• Teach your child to drink from a cup assoon as possible, or by 1 year ofa*ge.• Keep your baby’s mouth clean by

using gauze or a baby toothbrushafter feeding.

Sealants: Sealants can protect your child’s teeth. A sealant is a thin plastic coating that is placed on the back teeth. Sealants protect teeth from plaque and acids that attack the teeth and cause cavities. All children should have sealants placed on the back teeth as soon as the tooth erupts. Sealants are easy to apply, aren’t painful and only take a few minutes toapply.

Dental visit tips: Keep your child’s dental appointment. If you can’t get to your appointment, call the dentist’s office to let them know as soon as possible. Share with your child the good reasons for going to the dentist. And avoid using words like “hurt” and “pain” when talking about the dentist.

Did youknow? Your child’s school or child care center may also offer dental visits. To find out and to register for a school dental visit, just call Smile Pennsylvania Mobile Dentists at 1-800-409-2563.


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The age one dentalvisitYears ago, dentists recommended that parents

bring their child to the dentist for an initial visit by age3. That has changed. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, American Dental Association and American Academy of Pediatrics now recommend a dental visit for children by the age 1 or when the first toothappears.

Dental disease knows no age limit, and can begin attacking teeth as soon as they appear. More than 1in 4children has had a cavity by

age4, and many get cavities before age2. Many dental problems can be prevented or more easily treated in the earlystages.

The age1 dental visit is also meant to educate parents and guardians about the importance of oral health and how to care for their toddler’s mouth and to stress the importance of preventive checkups. This early intervention also builds trust betweendentists and the child’s parents or caregivers.

To find a dentist who

cares for very young children, first call the office and ask at what age they recommend a first visit. Look for one that suggests by age1 or when the first tooth appears. You can also ask your regular dentist for a recommendation, or visit the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s website at aapd.org and click on “Find a pediatricdentist.”

Manage your health on yourphone Members with smartphones (both iPhones and Androids) can download our Aetna Better Health mobile app. By using this app, youcan:

• Find or change your primary careprovider• View or request a new IDcard

• Find a specialty provider• View your medical and pharmacy claims • Send a message to MemberServices • View your benefits

You can get the Aetna Better Health app at the App Store or GooglePlay.

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HealthShare Exchange (HSX) Your health care providers and Aetna Better Health can now share health information. Sharing information can improve health outcomes

Q. What is HSX?

A. It’s a health information exchange. It helps your health care providers share information about your health quicker, easier and more securely.

Q. Where is HSX available?

A. Across Greater Philadelphia, Delaware Valley, southeastern Pennsylvania and southern NewJersey.

Q. Why do providers need to share my information?

A. Your providers need this information to suggest next tests you need. They can see your appointments, medications and procedures. This can also avoid repeating the same test. It can save you time.

Q. How Does HSX benefit my family and me?

A. For example, Aetna Better Health and your primary care provider get a prompt alert if you are hospitalized. They can receive a valuable summary document of your care you get too. This can help coordinate your care.

Q. Is my information private?

A. Yes, all information shared is done securely and is private.

You don’t need to do anything to get the benefits of health information exchange. It’s already happening. You can learn more at healthshareexchange.org.1

1Includes information on opting out, if you don’t want your information shared.

Your new member ID card

If you haven’t received your new ID card, we will be mailing you one soon. We’ve made it easier for you to contact us! Your Aetna Better Health member ID card will now have one number to call about any of your benefits. That number is 1-866-638-1232 (PARelay: 7-1-1).


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How tobacco affects yourbodyIf you’re a smoker, you probably know you should stop. That’s a good start toward quitting. Knowing the truth about how smoking harms your health may be what it takes to followthrough.

An alarming fact is that smoking affects nearly every part of your body. That includesyour: • Mouth. Chewing and smoking tobacco stains

your teeth. But more importantly, it damages your gums and causes bone loss. This leads to bad breath and eventually tooth loss. It can also cause cancer in your mouth and jawbone. • Airways. Tissues in your lungs become inflamed

because of smoking. This can lead to serious disorders, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Smoking can also cause cancer in your lungs, throat andmouth. • Heart. Smoking harms the cells lining the

blood vessels and heart. It can increase the risk of clots that cause heart attacks. Smoking can also contribute to an abdominal aortic

aneurysm—the weakening of the major artery near the stomach. • Other blood vessels. Damage to vessel liningscan cause them to narrow, restricting blood flow to the kidneys, stomach, arms, legs and feet. This can lead to a range of problems, including pain and gangrene. • Brain. Blood clots that form in damaged arteries

can travel to your brain and cause potentially fatal strokes. • Bones and tendons. Smoking increases the risk

for osteoporosis and fractures. Overuse injuries, such as tendinitis, and traumatic injuries, such as sprains, are also more likely amongsmokers. •  Immune system. Smokers have smaller

amounts than nonsmokers of some types of cells that destroy germs. That leaves the body more vulnerable to infections.

Smoking can also cause cancer of the pancreas, kidneys, cervix, stomach and blood. And smoking increases your risk for eye diseases and dental problems.

Women who smoke tend to have more complications with pregnancy. Those include premature births, low-birth-weight babies and stillbirths. And their babies are more likely to die of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) than babies whose mothers don’t smoke.

Turn your risks around There’s another list that’s much more encouraging— the benefits of giving up smoking. Check it out, along with the American Cancer Society’s guide to quitting smoking, at morehealth.org/quit4good.

Additional source: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

When you quit, your health risks decrease immediately. And they continue to diminish over time. A tobacco quitline can also help you

quit for good. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669).

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Benefits of quitting When you give up smoking

After 20 minutes blood pressure and heart rate drop.

After 2 weeks – 3 months the risk of heart attack decreases and lungs are working better.

After 1 year excess risk of heart disease decreases to half that of a current smoker.

After 5 years risk of stroke can fall to about the same level as a nonsmoker.

After 15 years the risk of heart disease is similar to that of a nonsmoker.

After 12 hours the balance of

carbon monoxide and oxygen in the bloodstream has

returned to normal.

After 1 – 9 months respiratory

problems have started to decrease.

After 1 – 9 months risk of stroke goes down.

After 10 months the risk of dying from

lung cancer declines to

about 50% of that of current smoker.

Sources: American Cancer Society; American Lung Association; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Thinking about e-cigs? Thinkagain Vaping, or using e-cigarettes, may seem harmless. But it’s far from it. A few things you should know before you try itout: • E-cigs contain nicotine. That’s

the addictive chemical that hookspeople onto smoking.• The high amount of nicotinein e-cig cartridges posesa poisoning hazard. That’ssomething to think about if youspend time aroundkids.• Teens who try e-cigs may bemore likely to use tobacco later.In fact, e-cigs are now the mostcommonly used form of tobaccoamong youth in theU.S.• Some research suggests thate-cigs may be less harmfulfor smokers than traditionalcigarettes when used as acomplete replacement. But otherstudies have found that both e-cigvapor and e-cig devices can containharmful chemicals.

E-cigs remain a risky habit — and not the best way to stop smoking, if that’s your goal.

Sources: American Lung Association; National Institute on Drug Abuse; U.S. Food and DrugAdministration

Talk to your doctor if you want to quit

smoking. He or she can steer you to products that have been proven tohelp.


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2018 HEDIS® Results HEDIS stands for the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set. It’s a set of

performance measures developed by the National Committee for Quality Assurance that allows you to review our performance. We know that having good access to care and receiving timely care helps you to maintain the best health youcan.

CAHPS stands for the Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Survey. Members are asked to rate services provided by the health plan annually. We

use this information to assess if our plan processes result in providing services to you that meet your needs.

We’re committed to improving care for and the satisfaction of our members. Please call Member Services at the number on the back of your ID card or 1-866-638-1232 (PA Relay: 7-1-1) if you have questions or need help finding a primary care provider (PCP) or specialist.

Here are some of the results for care received in 2017.

HEDIS Quality Measure Description Rate Annual dental visits Members 2 to 21 years who had at least one dental visit 57.88%

Adolescent well-care Members 12 to 21 years who had at least one well visit 47.93%

Childhood immunizations Members 2 years of age who had recommended immunizations 70.56%

Adolescent immunizations Members 13 years of age who had recommended immunizations 30.17%

Diabetes: HbA1c > 9 Members with diabetes whose HbA1c is greater than 9 (less isbest) 38.86%

Controlling high bloodpressure (BP) Members with high blood pressure whose BP is below 140/90 60.83%

Frequency of prenatal care Members who are pregnant and had the recommendednumber of prenatal visits before delivery 64.96%

Prenatal care in the first trimester

Members who are pregnant who had a prenatal visit in their firsttrimester or within 42 days of enrollment 82.00%

Emergency room use Members who use the emergency room for care that could havebeen provided by their PCP 66.33%

CAHPS: Member Satisfaction

Description Rate

How would you rate yourhealth plan? Adult members who were completely satisfied and very satisfied 69.26%

How would you rate your personal doctor? Adult members who were completely satisfied and very satisfied 73.46%

How would you rate yourspecialist? Adult members who were completely satisfied and very satisfied 77.78%

How would you rate yourhealth plan? Child members who were completely satisfied and very satisfied 80.90%

How would you rate your personal doctor? Child members who were completely satisfied and very satisfied 89.53%

How would you rate yourspecialist? Child members who were completely satisfied and very satisfied 88.37%

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Help for male victims of partner abuse Abuse can happen to anyone. People often do not think men can be victims of abuse. Some men are abused and may not seek medical care or other help for the abuse. This may be because they feel like it should not happen to them. They may feel shame or fear. They may not believe there is help for them. Victims may also have problems such as addiction, depression, physical or other health problems to cope with the abuse. There are doctors and domestic abuse programs that will help.

From a young age men may be taught not to show or feel emotions. Some may not know they are being abused1. Types of abuse maybe: • Blamed for all problems• Control of money, food ortime• Being called names• Kept from family or friends• Kept from work• Being hit or choked• Made to have unwanted orunsafesex

Men with same-sex partners may be told: • They are not really gay

• Men are naturally violent• No one will help• Family, friends and co-workers

will be told2

If you are a victim of abuse it is not your fault. It is common for people who abuse to deny that they abuse. They may blame the victim for the abuse. If you need support find a domestic abuse program near you in the link below. They will help anyone who is a victim of abuse. This includes a man with a woman, man, trans or partner who identifies another way. 1The National Domestic Violence Hotline. Men Can Be Victims of Abuse, Too. thehotline.org/ 2014/07/22/men-can-be -victims-of-abuse-too 2Mayo Foundation for Medical Education Research. Domestic violence against men: Know the signs. mayoclinic.org/healthy -lifestyle/adult-health/in -depth/domestic-violence -against-men/art-20045149

To find the domestic abuse

program nearest you, visit pcadv.org and click on “Find Help” or use the Find Help map on the home page.

To reach the National Domestic Violence Hotline, call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). For TTY 1-800-787-3224.


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Five facts to help combat childhoodobesity Obesity among kids is a serious problem. To help an overweight child become healthy, you need to know a few facts. Start with thesefive:

1. Neither parent nor childis to blame. Childrenput on weight for manyreasons. Focus onsolutions — notguilt.

2. There is no quick fix.Diets that promise fastresults can be dangerous.A pediatrician can helpyou create a plan for safeand lasting weightloss.

3.Kids don’t just outgrowweight problems. Growthspurts rarely take care ofweight issues. Changesin eating and exercisehabits are needed toslow weight gain.

4.The height and weightcharts apply to allkids. Any child outsidethe normal range forweight is considered

overweight. Being “big-boned” doesn’t change this.

5. A heavy child does notneed more food thanthe average kid. Largerportions add to a child’sweight problem. Feed achild the amount of foodhe or she needs to stayat a healthyweight.

Source: American Academy of Pediatrics

Talk with your pediatrician about proper portion sizes and

any concerns you have about your child’s weight. You’ll find lots of help andresources.

Why WIC works for you: Childhood obesity Childhood obesity is a national problem. One out of six children between the ages of 2 and 19 years old is obese.1 Obesity increases the risk of chronic health problems like asthma, bone and joint issues, and type 2 diabetes. Children who are obese during their childhood are also more likely to be obese as adults and have higher risks for various cancers and heart diseases.2

WIC is able to help families protect children’s health. WIC can make a difference by supplying healthier foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains2 to low-income families. You can make a difference in your child’s life. Don’t wait — your family can benefit from the WIC Program today!

To see if you are eligible for the WIC Program or to make an appointment, visit pawic.com or call 1-800-WIC-WINS (1-800-942-9467).

1cdc.gov/obesity/childhood 2cdc.gov/obesity/childhood/causes.html

PA WIC is funded by the USDA. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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What is lead poisoning? Lead exposure can cause a lot of health problems in kids. It may harm their bodies and their brains and cause problems with: • Learning• Behavior• Growth

A simple blood test can measure the level of lead in your child’s blood. This is the only way to know if your child has been exposed tolead.

How is the test done? A small amount of blood is taken from your child’s arm, fi nger or heel. Sometimes, blood is taken from an arm vein (called a venous blood test). However, a “fi nger-stick” test is used in children more often. It’s approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). T his test is available to your child at no cost toyou.

What are the effects of leadpoisoning? Signs of lead poisoning are not always easy to see. Most children have had some contact with lead in old paint, soil, plumbing or another source. Even very low levels of lead can aff ect a child’s brain development, growth and hearing. A lead blood test will detect levels that are too high. High blood lead levels can be treated. There are resources and organizations near you that canhelp.

How to identify the source of lead in the home For children identifi ed with a high blood lead level, your child’s doctor may order an Environmental Lead Investigation (ELI) at your home to fi nd the sources of lead.

An ELI may do any or all of the following: • Look at all painted

surfaces • Ask you questionsabout the child’shabits • Make recommendations

to remove the sources of lead in thehome

Be sure to ask your child’s health care provider if you have

any questions about lead poisoning or your child’s lead testresults.

Contact us at the number on the back of your ID card or 1-866-638-1232 (PA Relay: 7-1-1).

This member newsletter is published as a community service for the friends and members of Aetna Better Health, 2000 Market St.,

Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19103. This is general health information and should not replace the advice or care you get from your provider. Always ask your provider about your own health care needs. Models may be used in photos and illustrations. 2018 © Coff ey Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. PA-18-08-03


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Nondiscrimination Notice

Aetna complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, creed, religious affiliation, ancestry, sex gender, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation.

Aetna does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, creed, religious affiliation, ancestry, sex gender, gender identity or expression, orsexualorientation.

Aetna provides free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, suchas: • Qualified sign language interpreters• Written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formats,otherformats)

Aetna provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English, such as: • Qualified interpreters• Information written in other languages

If you need these services, call Aetna at 1-800-385-4104 (PA Relay: 711).

If you believe that Aetna has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, creed, religious affiliation, ancestry, sex gender, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation, you can file a complaint with:

Aetna Better Health ATTN: Complaints and Grievances Department

2000 Market Street, Suite 850 Philadelphia, PA 19103

1-866-638-1232, PA Relay: 711

The Bureau of Equal Opportunity, Room 223, Health and Welfare Building,

P.O. Box 2675,Harrisburg, PA 17105-2675,

Phone: (717) 787-1127, PA Relay: 711,Fax: (717) 772-4366, or

Email: [emailprotected]

You can file a complaint in person or by mail, fax, or email. If you need help filing a complaint, Aetna and the Bureau of Equal Opportunity are available to help you.

You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at https://ocrportal.hhs.gov/ocr/portal/lobby.jsf , or by mail or phone at:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW.,

Room 509F, HHH Building, Washington, DC 20201,

1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD).

Complaint forms are available at http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/office/file/index.html.


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Multi-language Interpreter Services

ENGLISH: ATTENTION: If you speak a language other than English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call 1-800-385-4104 (PA Relay: 711). SPANISH: ATENCIÓN: Si usted habla español, los servicios de ayuda de idioma, sin ningún costo, están disponibles para usted. Llamar al 1-800-385-4104 (PA Relay: 711).

RUSSIAN: ВНИМАНИЕ: Если Вы говорите на русском языке, Вам предлагаются бесплатные переводческие услуги. Позвоните по номеру 1-800-385-4104 (PA Relay: 711).

CHINESE: 注意:如果您说普通话,您可以免费获得语言帮助。请致电1-800-385-4104(听障专线: 711)。

VIETNAMESE: LƯU Ý: Nếu quý vị nói [Tiếng Việt], chúng tôi sẽ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ miễn phí cho quý vị. Gọi số 1-800-385-4104 (PA Relay: 711).

KOREAN: 주의: 한국어를 사용하실 경우, 언어 지원 서비스를 무료로 이용하실 수 있습니다 . 1-800-385-4104(PA 중계 서비스 : 711)번으로 연락해 주십시오 .

FRENCH: ATTENTION: si vous parlez Français, vous pouvez bénéficier gratuitement des services d’assistance linguistique. Appelez le 1-800-385-4104 (PA Relay: 711).

FRENCH CREOLE: ATANSYON: Si ou pale Kreyòl Ayisyen, wap jwenn sèvis asistans pou lang, gratis, ki disponib. Rele nan 1-800-385-4104 (Sèvis Relè PA: 711).

PORTUGUESE: ATENÇÃO: se falar Português, os serviços gratuitos de assistência linguística estão disponíveis para você. Ligue para 1-800-385-4104 (PA Ramal: 711).

ALBANIAN: VINI RE: Nëse flisni shqip, shërbime të ndihmës gjuhësore janë në dispozicionin tuaj, pa ndonjë pagesë. Telefononi 1-800-385-4104 (Personat me problem në dëgjim, PA Relay: 711).

GUJARATI: ધ્યાન આપો: જો તમે ગુજરયાતી બોલતયા હો તો ભયાષયાકી્ સેવયાઓ વવનયા મૂલ્ે તમને ઉપલબ્ધ છ. કૉલ કરો 1-800-385-4104 (PA રરલે: 711).

PA-17-10-09 aetnabetterhealth.com/pa

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.