The 'Fast Diet': Recipes From Dr. Michael Mosley (2024)

July 9, 2013 -- intro: "The Fast Diet" is a bestselling book that outlines a weight-loss plan in which participants can eat what they want for five days, but must fast for two non-consecutive days.

Dr. Michael Mosley, the book's author, defines fasting as 500 calories a day for women and 600 for men. Adults can consume these calories, which amount to 25 percent of a normal adult's daily food intake, in one mid-day meal or spread across the course of the day. But protein and lots of fruits and vegetables are highly recommended.

Watch Dr. Mosley Explain the 'Fast Diet'

The other five days, according to the plan, dieters can eat whatever they want, including cheeseburgers and croissants, in a guilt-free way.

Click through to see recipes recommended by Dr. Mosley to achieve weight loss with the "The Fast Diet" and click HERE for even more "Fast Diet" recipes.

quicklist:1category: title: Yogurt With Plum, Blanched Almonds and Agave Nectarurl: text: Yogurt has long been considered a "health food"—and it is packed with calcium, B vitamins and friendly bacteria. On a fast day, choose wisely. Fruit yogurts can be high in fat and hidden sugars, so go for a low-fat unflavored version and boost the taste with fresh plums. Plums are relatively low-calorie and a good source of fiber, which makes them brilliantly satiating.

These ingredients look gorgeous when layered in a glass tumbler. The only other thing youneed is a spoon.

1/2 cup unflavored low-fat yogurt

2 plums, pitted and sliced

1 level tablespoon blanched almonds

2 teaspoons raw agave nectar

Total Calories: 264media: 19607407

quicklist:2category: title: Oatmeal With Jewel Fruitsurl: text: Add a delicate swirl of pomegranate molasses, along with pomegranate seeds anda dusting of cinnamon, to arrive at a wonderful, ruby-studded dish with a flash ofinspiration from the Middle East. Use old-fashioned oatmeal as it will keep you fullerlonger than the more processed varieties.

1 1/4 cups skimmed milk

1 ounce old-fashioned oatmeal

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

A pinch of salt

1 teaspoon pomegranate molasses

Scant 2 ounces fruit of choice (stick to the lower-GI fruits such as berries and cherries)

Heat the milk, oats, cinnamon, and salt in a small saucepan. Stir well untill the oatmeal isthickened, 4 to 5 minutes (you can do this in a microwave, stirring halfway through the5-minute cooking time). Leave to stand for a minute before adding the molasses andfruit.

Total Calories: 284media: 19607603

quicklist:3category: title: Hot Thai Stir-Fryurl: text: Here's another opportunity to go wild with the greens and consume as manyvegetables as you can usefully fit into one sitting. You could eat, say, bean sprouts as apanda does bamboo and never really put on any weight. The trio of fish sauce, soy sauce, and limejuice, plus ginger and chile, is a total Thai classic and works brilliantly here to deliversupercharged zing.

1 tablespoon peanut oil

2 1/4 ounces red cabbage, thinly sliced or shredded

1 small red onion, thinly sliced

1 carrot, julienned

2 1/4 ounces cauliflower florets, chopped

2 1/4 ounces broccoli florets, chopped

1 ounce snow peas

1 ounce bean sprouts, plus more for serving

1 clove garlic, minced

1/2 red chile, thinly sliced

1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger

1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds

1 tablespoon soy sauce

1 teaspoon Asian fish sauce

A squeeze of lime juice

10 unsalted peanuts, chopped, for serving (optional)

Heat the oil in a wok on high. Add the vegetables in order and stir-fry for 3 minutes,then add the garlic, chile, ginger, and coriander and stir-fry for a few minutes more. Addthe soy sauce, fish sauce, and lime juice for the final minute of cooking and serve withmore raw bean sprouts, and chopped peanuts if your calorie count allows.

Total Calories: 249 (341 with peanuts)

media: 19607490

quicklist:4category: title: Salmon Fillet, Three More Waysurl: text: These recipes use salmon fillet (80 calories per 3 1/2 ounces) because it is easilyaccessible and is a fish that nearly everyone likes. These recipes work equally well withother fish, too. You could push out the boat and attempt any of them with tilapia, trout,arctic char, or cod.

3 1/2 ounces salmon fillet

Salt and pepper

Scant 2 ounces iceberg lettuce leaves

Scant 2 ounces romaine lettuce leaves

Scant 2 ounces baby spinach, lamb's lettuce, or purslane

1/4 seedless cucumber, quartered, cored, and sliced into crescents


2 tablespoons unflavored low-fat yogurt

Juice of 1/2 lime

A handful of chopped fresh dill, plus more for garnish

Lime wedges, for garnish

Season the salmon fillet with salt and pepper and place in a bamboo steamer overboiling water. Steam till opaque. Set aside to cool. Mix the dressing. Arrange the leavesand cucumber on a plate and break the warm salmon into pieces on top. Dress andgarnish with more dill and lime wedges.

Total Calories: 257media: 19607724

quicklist:4category: title: Chicken Breast Eight Waysurl: text: A firm favorite in our house—tangy, easy, and somehow sumptuous without beingcalorific. It plays on some of the classic ingredients of Thai cooking (fish sauce, lime,cilantro), a reliable foundation for fantastic fast day flavor.

Lime Chicken Salad, Szechuan Style

Olive oil

1 skin-on, boneless 4-ounce/110g chicken breast

Salt and pepper

1/2 medium seedless cucumber, halved lengthwise, cored, and

cut on the diagonal into crescents

A handful of fresh cilantro, including stems, finely chopped

A handful of fresh mint leaves

1/2 teaspoon Szechuan peppercorns, crushed

1 tablespoon Asian fish sauce

1 teaspoon sesame oil

1 scallion (green onion), thinly sliced on the diagonal

2 tablespoons lime juice

3 ounces shredded iceberg lettuce

Lime wedges, for serving

Preheat the oven to 375°F. oil the chicken breast lightly before seasoning with salt andpepper. Bake, covered, till cooked through and the juices run clear, about 20 minutes.Allow to cool. remove the skin and tear the chicken into shreds. Place in a bowl withthe cucumber and most of the cilantro and mint. Make a dressing with the Szechuanpepper, fish sauce, sesame oil, scallion, and lime juice, and season with salt and pepper.Combine with the chicken and serve on the lettuce, garnished with lime wedges andthe remaining cilantro and mint.

Total Calories: 195media: 19607774

quicklist:4category: title: Lo-Lo Meatballs With Cavolo Nerourl: text: "Lo-lo" because much of the saturated fat you'd usually find in a typical Italian mammameatball has been stripped out by swapping in a leaner meat and eliminating all but themerest flash of oil. And the cavolo nero? Because it just sounds so great, the musketeerof the veggie world. Besides, cavolo nero—also known as Tuscan or black kale—is tasty,nutritious, easy to grow, and, yes, somehow glamorous.

Serves 2


7 ounces/lean ground pork or ground turkey

1/2 medium red onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, minced

1 small carrot, grated

A pinch of dried oregano

1 small egg, beaten

Salt and pepper

Spray oil, for the skillet

Tomato sauce

1/2 medium red onion, chopped

1/2 clove garlic, chopped

One 14-ounce/400g can diced tomatoes

Scant 2 ounces/50g fresh tomatoes, peeled

(see page 34), seeded, and chopped

1 teaspoon tomato paste

A pinch of sugar

2/3 cup water

Red pepper flakes

A dash of worcestershire sauce

1 teaspoon dried oregano

Cavolo nero

7 ounces cavolo nero, steamed

A squeeze of lemon

Flaky sea salt

Combine the ground meat with the onion, garlic, carrot, oregano, egg, and salt andpepper. Mix well and shape into 12 small meatballs. In a skillet, brown gently overmedium heat, about 4 minutes. For the sauce, saute the onion till softened. Add thegarlic and cook for 3 minutes more. Add the diced and chopped tomatoes, tomatopaste, sugar, and water, plus red pepper and Worcestershire to taste. Simmer tillreduced and unctuous. Add the meatballs and oregano, cover, and simmer for20 minutes. Serve with steamed kale, dressed with a light squeeze of lemon anda scatter of flaky salt.

Total Calories: 264media: 19607644

The 'Fast Diet': Recipes From Dr. Michael Mosley (2024)


What does Michael Mosley eat for breakfast? ›

The expert explained what an 800-calorie day would look like, saying: "For breakfast, I've got eggs and asparagus - the book has a range of recipes, but I'm a huge fan of eggs, eggs fill you up. "You can have scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, however you want them. Sometimes I have eggs with ham or a bit of salmon.

What does Michael Mosley eat in a day? ›

The Fast 800 diet is a form of intermittent fasting, where you stop eating for a large part of the day, and the rest of the day's food is inspired by a Mediterranean Diet. Dr Mosley fasts for 12 hours a day, he told SBS, waking at 7am and having his breakfast at 8am after an hour of exercise and work.

What is the David Mosley fast diet? ›

Dr Michael Mosley's Fast Diet has become the health phenomenon of our times. And for good reason. This radical approach to weight loss really is as simple as it sounds. You eat normally for five days a week, then for just two days you cut your calorie intake (600 for men, 500 for women).

What is the best intermittent fasting for weight loss Michael Mosley? ›

The 5:2 diet involves cutting calories to 500-600 on two days of the week, and eating normally the rest of the week. Mosley was first introduced to it through a 2011 study and it became the backbone of his 2013 book The Fast Diet.

Can you eat bananas on the fast 800 diet? ›

The creator of the Fast 800 diet - and book - cautions against too many bananas if you're aiming to lose weight and strongly suggests consuming fruits and vegetables. The ideal amount is seven servings daily with this being the maximum amount.

Can you eat cheese on a Fast 800 diet? ›

Try to avoid snacks, especially on fasting days, but if required, have some non-starchy veg, a sliver of cheese or some berries. Alternatively, nuts are a great source of protein, fibre and micronutrients - just avoid salted or sweetened nuts, which can be moreish and easy to overeat.

Can you eat potatoes on the Fast 800? ›

Potatoes can spike your blood sugar as they have a relatively high glycemic index, and provide very little significant nutritional value. For this reason, we've switched them out for carrot, celeriac and parsnip chips instead.

What vegetables can you eat on Fast 800? ›

Focus on low calorie, non-starchy vegetables, which The Fast 800 always encourages you to eat freely, without the need to count calories. Examples include, kale, spinach, broccoli, mushrooms and aubergine/eggplant.

Can you eat apples on the fast 800 diet? ›

That's because according to the Fast 800 diet creator, there are an abundance of health benefits that come with eating the snack, whether it be a Granny Smith or a Pink Lady. And Dr Michael says that you should be aiming to eat one unpeeled apple every day.

Is Michael Mosley diet safe? ›

Does it work and is it safe? According to Dr Patel, the Fast 800 diet is not a one-size-fits-all eating plan. '800 calories a day is described as a very low-calorie diet. This means it can lead to rapid weight loss but it is routinely not recommended and may not be safe for everyone,' she says.

Can I drink alcohol on the Fast 800 diet? ›

Coffee and alcohol are still allowed on the programme although the calories in both of these drinks need to be included in the daily calorie limit (noting that alcohol is highly calorific). A pint of beer or a large glass of wine contains 180 calories, so really best avoided or kept to a minimum.

What can I eat for 600 calories a day? ›

Under 600 calories
  • Smoky buttermilk-marinated spatchco*ck chicken. ...
  • Super-quick-cook steak skewers with chimichurri. ...
  • All-american ribs with sticky bourbon glaze. ...
  • Honey cruffins with lemon curd and clotted cream. ...
  • Roast beetroot, greens and brie frittata. ...
  • Lamb with charred sweetcorn salsa and fresh mint sauce.

Has Michael Mosley been found? ›

A body believed to be that of missing British TV presenter Dr Michael Mosley was recovered from the Agia Marina beach in Greece on Sunday. ATHENS (AP) — The body of missing British TV presenter and author Dr. Michael Mosley was found on a Greek island Sunday morning after a days-long search, his family said.

What is Michael Mosley's latest diet? ›

On a mission to find a drug-free way to 'cure' his diabetes, Michael Mosley tested a number of different forms of intermittent fasting before settling on the 5:2. His revolutionary Fast 800 programme has now become a worldwide phenomenon, inspiring millions of people to live healthier, better quality lives.

Which fasting helps you lose weight the fastest? ›

Alternate-day fasting has proven weight loss benefits. An older randomized pilot study from 2016 comparing alternate-day fasting to a daily caloric restriction in adults with obesity found both methods to be equally effective for weight loss ( 11 ).

What does Michelle Obama eat for breakfast? ›

Michelle Obama Ate the Same Breakfast 'Every Morning for Most of My Life'. While she said she would “l*terally” eat the peanut butter and jelly sandwich "every morning for most of my life," Michelle admitted that she finally got around to liking eggs in college. “I'm big into all of it now. Give me eggs benedict.

What does the flash eat for breakfast? ›

Over the course of "The Flash" (in theaters June 16), we see Barry scarf down all kinds of classic comfort foods (a burrito, a hot dog, pizza, candy bars and peanut butter from the jar), as well as indulge in more peculiar cravings (a breakfast sandwich made with peanut butter, banana, raisin, honey, cheese on a roll; ...

What is breakfast in intermittent fasting? ›

With intermittent fasting, breakfast is not only optional, it's discouraged. The most common method is a 16-hour overnight fast, followed by an 8-hour eating window.

What did Ellen G White eat for breakfast? ›

Now some people get the idea that Ellen White had casserole dishes and roasts for breakfast. Not in my memory. No, the breakfasts were a hot cereal meal. We always had mixed nuts—the place itself produced walnuts; we had lots of walnuts.


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.